
In the developing stages of this brand, the founder, Celeste Hay, interviewed women about their fashion choices in order to validate her unique proposition and stance as a brand. In these discussions, Celeste asked women to rate on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) how big of a polluter fashion is. Nearly across the board, the response was an unwavering, gut reaction of 10, but in the proceeding questions about how fashion pollutes, which brands are the biggest offenders or the biggest heroes, the responses were slow and followed by an implied airy question mark after answering. 

Therein lies fashion’s greatest problems. It is an industry that is “rife with human rights abuses and environmental degradation. Supply chains remain complex, fragmented, deregulated and opaque...while obscuring who has the responsibility and power to redress these issues.”*

There is a sense of intimacy when a brand’s name is that of its founders. I want my name to be associated with activism, with protest–I am not interested in being in the game of smoke and mirrors.

- Celeste Hay 
Designer and Founder

Fashion Revolution encourages us, as activists, to look at “big profitable brands and retailers” and challenge them on the claims they make.* Through accountable promises and definite proof, we can mold an ecosystem of transparency for better consumption and, more importantly, better activism. As a startup brand, I strive to meet both these and B Corp standards because good habits are born young.

* Fashion Revolution Index 2023

-- downloadable transparency markers available soon. --


Is there something missing?

In their Index, Fashion Revolution stated:

“Anyone, anywhere should be able to find out how, where, by whom and at what social and environmental costs their clothes are made. This requires greater transparency across fashion’s global value chain.”* In an honest effort to be transparent and clear in our message, practices and partners we encourage you to contact us if there is additional information we can provide.